December 15, 2024
12:00 pm
3:00 pm

WISTA DC Metro is excited to be hosting the fifth annual Shoebox Christmas event! Shoebox Christmas is a tradition that is meant to give seafarers calling on local ports a box (or Ziploc bag) of supplies around the Holidays. As stewards of this industry, we want to ensure seafarers know how much we appreciate them and the work they do. We are doing this in conjunction with the Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center, which will deliver our packages to ships calling on Baltimore.
Jeanne Grasso has graciously offered to host the packing portion of this event in her own home again this year. We do not want to overcrowd Jeanne’s house so we are limiting this event to the first 15 people that respond.
If you cannot make it in person to pack, do not worry! The biggest part of this event will be getting donations and materials to pack into these care packages. We are asking for donations to hopefully pull off another great 100 boxes for the seafarers.
You can either donate money, which we will put towards purchasing items for the boxes, or purchase 100 of a needed item to include in the boxes, or get together with a friend and purchase 100 items for the boxes. We are happy to make those connections if there is an interest. Of course corporate giveaways are also welcome, if in groups of 100.
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