WISTA Texas: Virtual Training with Jace Tunnell

We are planning a Virtual Training with Jace Tunnell from the University of Texas Marine Science Institute. He will teach us about nurdles, what they are, how they impact our environment, and what we can do to help combat this form of plastic pollution that invades our waterways. Webinar Link

WISTA Texas: Southwest Shipyard Tour

Southwest Shipyard will present a tour of their facility and an introduction to their operation in Channelview. Lunch will be provided. We thank Natalie Rodrigues for setting this up! Please […]

WISTA Texas: 4th Annual It’s Fall Y’all!

Come join us for a networking brunch at the lovely Villa Capri to put a relaxing end to the WISTA USA Texas Chapter 2023 activities & events. This will be a lovely time to socialize, relax, and share information before the hustle and bustle of the holidays! Can’t wait to see you there! Villa Capri […]

WISTA USA’s TX Chapter: 2024 OTC Cocktail Reception Hosted by IRI & SNAME

SNAME and The Marshall Islands Registry have invited any WISTA members in town for the 2024 Offshore Technology Conference to join their cocktail reception on May 6th at 6:00 PM. Please contact Elizabeth Caswell ecaswell@register-iri.com or +1-832-396-4195) to RSVP or with any questions.

WISTA USA Virtual 5th Annual Turkey Trot!


We are just a few weeks away from our FIFTH Annual Charity 5K! Don't forget to register!! What: Our version of a Virtual "Turkey Trot"! When: Run/walk/crawl when you can the weekend of 11/22-11/24, 2024 Where: That's the beauty of a virtual run-- ANYWHERE! Why: We would love to show our support to the seafarers […]