WISTA PNW: Ditty Bag Sewing Happy Hour at Maritime Blue

In preparation for stuffing Holiday Ditty Bags with the Seafarers' Center, we are going to use Maritime Blue's space to sew ditty bags. Those of you that own sewing machines, we will need you to make this a productive event. Our November and December events are to support the Seafarers' Center's effort to provide every […]

WISTA PNW Chapter: Tour of American Seafood’s Catcher Processer Ship

Pier 90

Rescheduled! An exciting tour awaits the #WISTAUSA PNW Chapter! Our January event will be a tour of the American Seafood's Vessel AMERICAN EMPRESS II at Pier 90 on February 7th from 12:00 - 1:30. Lunch provided in the Galley of the Ship! Pop Quiz: Could you list out # 1-5? You will be able to […]

WISTA PNW Chapter: “The Black Maritime Experience” Virtual Lunch & Learn

Black History Month LUNCH & LEARN "Blacks in Maritime" History, Black Experience in Maritime and How can we DO better? Date: February 14th from 12:00-1:30 Location: Virtual WISTA: All Chapters are welcome! Join #WISTAUSA Pacific Northwest Chapter on February 14th for a virtual Lunch & Learn on "The Black Maritime Experience," in honor of Black History Month. […]

Tour of Port of Seattle/NW Seaport Alliance and SSA’s Terminal 5

Terminal 5 3443 W Marginal Wy SW, Seattle, WA, United States

You cannot just walk onto a terminal anymore. This is a one-of-a-kind career opportunity for those who don't work around marine terminals. Space is limited to 20 WISTA members and […]

WISTA USA PNW Chapter: PME Stroll

After the Seattle Propeller Club's PME Breakfast, let's walk the show floor at PME together! Nov 21st from 10:00 - 12:00 Get your tickets to PME right here! Information about […]

WISTA USA Virtual 5th Annual Turkey Trot!


We are just a few weeks away from our FIFTH Annual Charity 5K! Don't forget to register!! What: Our version of a Virtual "Turkey Trot"! When: Run/walk/crawl when you can […]