MLA College is delighted to be offering five full scholarships to women working in the maritime industry.
Two of the scholarships are for a BSc in Sustainable Maritime Operations and three for an MSc in Sustainable Maritime Operations with all five available for the September 2024 intake. As these degrees are studied remotely, they are open to applicants from across the globe who have an interest in sustainability within the maritime sector.
MLA degree programmes are designed to make learning more accessible for everyone working in the shipping industry, wherever they are and whether onboard a vessel or ashore; enabling professionals to progress without disruption to their career paths – they can learn as they earn. Materials are downloadable so that they can be studied offline and, when an internet connection is available, students can access the online library and research materials, and catch up with their tutor and student support requirements.
Professor Basak Akdemir, Chief Executive of MLA, hopes that these degree scholarships will have a lasting impact on the lives of the recipients. “While many attempts have been made to increase diversity in the shipping industry, the fact remains that female mariners continue to make up a tiny proportion of the workforce – in the region of 2%. We are hoping to give women the tools to help them make their way into leadership roles within the sector, both at sea and onshore. We particularly welcome applications from women living and working in parts of the world where it is more difficult to access higher level education as this is where we feel we can most make a difference.”
Applicants can apply for a scholarship via this link.