WISTA USA Florida: August Chapter Meeting

We're really looking forward to connecting after the summer break! Come to Jacksonville to meet many of our members as well as WISTA USA Board Members, including Florida chapter's new BOD representative Sarah Brennan, Commanding Officer of MSU Canaveral! During the meeting CROWLEY will also be awarded by WISTA USA which had nominated CROWLEY for […]

WISTA Florida goes “Back to School”

Please join our Back To School event which is organized at FAU in Boca Raton with their Women in Engineering & Computer Science Program. Come listen to our fantastic WISTA panelists as they share their experiences and stories by engaging with the future generation. Our panelists include: Sarah KarentzHSSQE Manager - TankersSeabulk Mara DuVernoisNaval Architect Resolve Marine […]

WISTA Florida: Seafarers’ House Shoebox Event October 26th

Holiday season is (almost) here! Please see below details regarding our annual "Shoebox" wrapping event at Seafarers' House in Port Everglades. Kindly note, this event is in person only as we will be hands on stuffing holiday gift bags and crafting cards for the seafarers that call in PEV during the upcoming season. Everyone is encouraged to […]

WISTA USA Florida Chapter November Meeting

Lauderdale Yacht Club 1725 SE 12th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Monthly Chapter meeting, the last meeting of 2023.The Monthly Chapter meeting will be hosted by Total Marine Solutions at the Lauderdale Yacht Club. RSVP to Caroline Medich.The Monthly Chapter meeting "Watch Party" will be hosted by McAllister Towing, 4358 Apollo Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32226. RSVP to Lindsay Malen-Habib.Zoom Meeting details are also available by contacting […]

Monthly Standing Lunch at Seafarer’s House in Port Everglades

Seafarer's House 1800 SE 32nd Street, Port Everglades, FL, United States

Super casual, "come as you are" standing monthly lunch for WISTA ladies working in and around Port Everglades. Recurring event happens on the 2nd Tuesday each month, from noon to 1pm. Until the cafe opens in early 2024, it will be a "brown bag" affair.

Monthly Standing Lunch at Seafarer’s House in Port Everglades

Seafarer's House 1800 SE 32nd Street, Port Everglades, FL, United States

Super casual, “come as you are” standing monthly lunch for WISTA ladies working in and around Port Everglades. Recurring event happens on the 2nd Tuesday each month, from noon to 1pm. Until the cafe opens in early 2024, it will be a “brown bag” affair.

Monthly Standing Lunch at Seafarer’s House in Port Everglades

Seafarer's House 1800 SE 32nd Street, Port Everglades, FL, United States

Super casual, “come as you are” standing monthly lunch for WISTA ladies working in and around Port Everglades. Recurring event happens on the 2nd Tuesday each month, from noon to 1pm. Until the cafe opens in early 2024, it will be a “brown bag” affair.

WISTA USA Florida Chapter: NE Monthly Meeting

American Roll-On Roll-Off Carriers 816 A1A N. Suite 101, Ponte Verde Beach, FL, United States

Monthly Florida Chapter Meeting RSVP to Suzanne Garaci, sgeraci@arcshipping.com Online option available: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84558391880?pwd=MTNkUy9iNVdDdUh6anlhSnQyRmxYQT09 Meeting ID: 845 5839 1880 Passcode: 871246

WISTA USA Florida Chapter: SE Monthly Meeting

Seabulk 2200 Eller Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Monthly Florida Chapter Meeting RSVP to Sarah Karentz, skarentz@sbulk.com Online option available: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84558391880?pwd=MTNkUy9iNVdDdUh6anlhSnQyRmxYQT09 Meeting ID: 845 5839 1880 Passcode: 871246

WISTA Florida Chapter: Monthly Standing Lunch at Seafarer’s House in Port Everglades

Seafarer's House 1800 SE 32nd Street, Port Everglades, FL, United States

Super casual, “come as you are” standing monthly lunch for WISTA ladies working in and around Port Everglades. Recurring event happens on the 2nd Tuesday each month, from noon to 1pm. Please join us if you are in the area! THE SEAFARERS' HOUSE CAFE NOW OPEN!

Monthly Standing Lunch at Seafarer’s House in Port Everglades

Seafarer's House 1800 SE 32nd Street, Port Everglades, FL, United States

Super casual, “come as you are” standing monthly lunch for WISTA ladies working in and around Port Everglades. Recurring event happens on the 2nd Tuesday each month, from noon to 1pm. Please join us if you are in the area! THE SEAFARERS’ HOUSE CAFE IS NOW OPEN!