Tour of Port of Seattle/NW Seaport Alliance and SSA’s Terminal 5

Terminal 5 3443 W Marginal Wy SW, Seattle, WA, United States

You cannot just walk onto a terminal anymore. This is a one-of-a-kind career opportunity for those who don't work around marine terminals. Space is limited to 20 WISTA members and guests. (open up to prospective WISTA members a week before the event). Currently as of Oct 21st at 1145 PST, we only have 2 more […]

WISTA USA PNW Chapter: PME Stroll

After the Seattle Propeller Club's PME Breakfast, let's walk the show floor at PME together! Nov 21st from 10:00 - 12:00 Get your tickets to PME right here! Information about […]

WISTA USA Virtual 5th Annual Turkey Trot!


We are just a few weeks away from our FIFTH Annual Charity 5K! Don't forget to register!! What: Our version of a Virtual "Turkey Trot"! When: Run/walk/crawl when you can […]