WISTA USA PNW Chapter: PME Stroll
After the Seattle Propeller Club's PME Breakfast, let's walk the show floor at PME together! Nov 21st from 10:00 - 12:00 Get your tickets to PME right here! Information about […]
After the Seattle Propeller Club's PME Breakfast, let's walk the show floor at PME together! Nov 21st from 10:00 - 12:00 Get your tickets to PME right here! Information about […]
Join us for our Florida Chapter meetings, a great time to discuss current events, provide updates on our 2024 goals and projects and to network with industry colleagues. Whether you’re […]
Join WISTA USA’s Great Lakes Midwest Chapter’s virtual book club discussion: Thursday, November 21st at 7pm ET Nathaniel's Nutmeg by Giles Milton https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29386.Nathaniel_s_Nutmeg RSVP by emailing the chapter co-presidents, and you will receive the Zoom link to join: wistausaglmidwest@gmail.com We recommend buying books from your local independent bookstore OR borrowing physical copies, digital versions, or […]
We are just a few weeks away from our FIFTH Annual Charity 5K! Don't forget to register!! What: Our version of a Virtual "Turkey Trot"! When: Run/walk/crawl when you can the weekend of 11/22-11/24, 2024 Where: That's the beauty of a virtual run-- ANYWHERE! Why: We would love to show our support to the seafarers […]
SAVE THE DATE - DECEMBER Holiday Ax Throwing White Elephant Party! December 10th at 5:00 PST Blade and Timber in Capitol Hill Information about registration to follow
Join us Wednesday, December 11th at 6:00pm for a festive gondola ride through the canals of Naples Island! The Eventbrite sign-up caps at our maximum seating number. If this event sells out, please sign up for the waitlist at the same Eventbrite Link. We will contact you if a seat becomes available. Space is limited, […]
WISTA DC Metro is excited to be hosting the fifth annual Shoebox Christmas event! Shoebox Christmas is a tradition that is meant to give seafarers calling on local ports a box (or Ziploc bag) of supplies around the Holidays. As stewards of this industry, we want to ensure seafarers know how much we appreciate them […]
WISTA Jingle & Mingle Holiday Celebration 🎄 Date: December 16th, 2024 Time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Location: 21 Davis Hill Rd Weston, CT 06883 Hosted by Carleen Walker Join us for a festive evening of fun and laughter at the WISTA Jingle & Mingle Holiday Celebration, graciously hosted by Carleen Walker! What to Expect: […]
We look forward to our upcoming virtual Cookies with Cocktails! Instead of packing the seaman's bags, we will be baking (or buying) holiday treats and bringing them to two vessels, 1 in Boston, MA and 1 in Providence, RI. As winter weather is approaching, please note the date and vessel names are subject to change […]
Happy Holiday season everyone! Please join the WISTA DC Metro Chapter at Barkada Wine Bar to celebrate the season! This year’s gathering will be a happy hour with heavy hors d’oeuvres sponsored by the American Maritime Congress. The cost for this event will be $20 per person. Please RSVP by December 12th.
Join WISTA USA’s Great Lakes Midwest Chapter’s virtual book club discussion: Thursday, December 19th at 7pm ET Sea Change by Gina Chung RSVP by emailing the chapter co-presidents, and you will receive the Zoom link to join: wistausaglmidwest@gmail.com We recommend buying books from your local independent bookstore OR borrowing physical copies, digital versions, or audiobooks […]
Start the year on a high note with WISTA CT! Let’s come together, be intentional, and set the stage for a great year ahead by sharing our aspirations and goals for 2025. Join us on January 8, 2025, for our New Year Kickoff Event, hosted by Kathy Haines. This event will be a fantastic opportunity […]