
WISTA Texas: Southwest Shipyard Tour

Southwest Shipyard will present a tour of their facility and an introduction to their operation in Channelview. Lunch will be provided. We thank Natalie Rodrigues for setting this up! Please […]

WISTA Florida goes “Back to School”

Please join our Back To School event which is organized at FAU in Boca Raton with their Women in Engineering & Computer Science Program. Come listen to our fantastic WISTA panelists […]


US Coast Guard Academy 47 Mohegan Ave., New London,, CT, United States

Hosted by Women's International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA) and the USCGA Women's Leadership Council Join cadets, members of WISTA, and alumni for a lively networking social followed by a […]

WISTA West Coast: Seafarers Ministry Packing Day

Join us on Friday, November 3rd from 10am to 1pm at the Port of Oakland to pack holiday bags with the Seafarers Ministry! Specific address details to follow. Seafarers Ministry […]

WISTA Texas: 4th Annual It’s Fall Y’all!

Come join us for a networking brunch at the lovely Villa Capri to put a relaxing end to the WISTA USA Texas Chapter 2023 activities & events. This will be […]

WISTA Hampton Roads: Tribal Axe

Tribal Axe 5070 Virginia Beach Blvd. Suite B, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Cost to attend is $20/person with drinks and food purchased individually. RSVP here by Friday 10/20

WISTA PNW: Ditty Bag Sewing Happy Hour at Maritime Blue

In preparation for stuffing Holiday Ditty Bags with the Seafarers' Center, we are going to use Maritime Blue's space to sew ditty bags. Those of you that own sewing machines, we will need you to make this a productive event. Our November and December events are to support the Seafarers' Center's effort to provide every […]